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Anti - Ragging Committee

At WCEM, we maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards ragging in any form. We are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for all our students, free from any form of harassment or intimidation.
1. Prevention: Our primary goal is to prevent incidents of ragging by creating awareness among students about its detrimental effects on individuals and the college community as a whole.
2. Education: We conduct regular workshops and awareness programs to educate students about the legal implications of ragging and the importance of fostering a culture of respect and dignity.
3. Redressal: In the unfortunate event of any ragging-related incident, our Anti-Ragging Cell is equipped to handle complaints promptly and impartially. We ensure confidentiality and provide support to victims throughout the redressal process.
How to Report Ragging:
If you witness or experience any form of ragging, we encourage you to report it immediately through one of the following channels:
Online Complaint Form: Fill out our online complaint form available on the college website. Your identity will be kept confidential, and strict action will be taken against the perpetrators.
Anti-Ragging Helpline: Contact our dedicated helpline at [Helpline Number] to report incidents of ragging or seek assistance.
In-Person: Visit the Anti-Ragging Cell office located on campus to file a complaint in person. Our staff are trained to handle complaints sensitively and ensure a swift resolution.
Our Commitment:
Strict Enforcement: We enforce a zero-tolerance policy towards ragging and ensure that stringent disciplinary action is taken against offenders.
Support Services: We provide support and counseling services to victims of ragging to help them cope with the incident and overcome any trauma.
Awareness Campaigns: We organize regular awareness campaigns and workshops to promote a culture of respect, empathy, and inclusivity among students.
At WCEM, we are committed to creating a safe and inclusive campus environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally, without fear of harassment or intimidation. Together, let us pledge to uphold the dignity and well-being of our college community.

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